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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

preserving the stack trace when handling exceptions

i just now stumbled across something that i didn't realize (though it makes sense) about the difference between throw and throw ex within a try...catch...finally block and i thought i'd share the wealth. i have the feeling this may be one of the "holes" in my coding knowledge/fundamentals that everyone else knows except for me since i was a physics major and only took 16 hours worth of computer science back in college. if so, you can politely skip this post and be happy for me that i learned something valuable. if you think i'm dumb for not knowing this, just know that i think you're dumb for not knowing that an operator that commutes with the Hamiltonian does not evolve with time. yeah, what now??

here's the gist:
case i) if a method call within a try...catch block results in an exception, calling throw(with or without an exception instance) causes any code in the ...finally block to immediately execute and then execution continues on its jolly way up the call stack. if you want to log anything about the error, do so before calling throw. furthermore, calling throw by itself preserves the call stack, whereas calling throw with an exception instance causes the stack trace to restart from the method that re-throws the exception and you lose whatever precious debugging information you had about what was going on before the call.

case ii) if procedural code within a try...catch block results in an exception, you lose the stack trace whether you throw with an exception instance or without. you should log what you need to know about the error before you throw as suggested in case i) and additionally log the stack trace.

if you are truly masochistic/sadistic (not sure which but i'd lean towards the former), you can follow what some bloke by the name of Chris Taylor outlines here

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